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Brian Darwent started corresponding with Jack Trevor Story in the 1970s when he found they were both fans of the writer William Saroyan. Story initially suggested a biography, but changed his mind and didn't approve of it being published, though he did give long interviews to Darwent for the book. After Story's death, and with the permission of the Story family, it saw print as Romantic Egotist: An Unauthorised Biography Of Jack Trevor Story (1993) ISBN 1 85863 065 7

Darwent paid for the book to be published, by Minerva Press, and though it went to a second edition and got some major reviews, he says he lost money on the project. "A wonderful book about an extraordinary and deeply unusual writer and man," said Stephen Fry. "Brings back to life one of the most extraordinary, talented, wayward and loveable creatures to have walked this earth," said George Melly.

The book can still be ordered from bookshops, though it may take several weeks to arrive. Probably better to order a copy from Minerva's distributor:

Unity Distribution, Unit 1 South Folds Road, Corby, Northamptonshire, NN18 9EU            

Tel: 01536 747 628      Fax: 01536 741 766   (international code 00-44-1536)                   

Email: distribution@unity-print.com

Brian Darwent's appreciation of Story, published in the Guardian newspaper a few days after their main obituary, can be found here 

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