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Harry Douthwaite ]


By bringing him back into print in 1979-80, alongside such hip young gunslingers as Michael Moorcock, Harlan Ellison and, er... Henry Treece, Savoy gave callow youths such as myself the opportunity to connect with the unique world of Jack Trevor Story.
These editions are still available from the publisher. Connect to their web site here  N.B. if you own a Savoy edition which lists The Trouble With Harry, The Money Goes Round, One Last Mad Embrace and Wind in the Snottygobble Tree as Savoy editions, please be advised that these were planned but not published.
The Savoy site is also the only other place on the web where you will find an appreciation of Story's work, Michael Moorcock's obituary piece and other Story stuff. 
Harry Douthwaite Savoy's cover artist has written a brief memoir of his time on the JTS covers. Click on the picture on the right to read it, and see larger versions of Harry's cover art

Harry Douthwaite ]

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